Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Donald Trump and I

I just received a Special Invitation from Donald Trump to be his personal guest and to hear his real stories on wealth creation and to be trained by four self-made multi-millionaire experts. They are promising to show me how to buy real estate well below market value and to cash in on the new billion dollar booming foreclosure market; in other words how to benefit from other people’s bad luck. The invitation says he is going to teach me how to “think big and kick *$#@.” When I showed my Special Invitation to a friend he told me he had gotten one also. How disappointing! The invitation said special.

I've never bought a lottery ticket before but when I drive by the signs outside of gas bars posting the amounts to be won, I say a little prayer. "Lord, if I'm supposed to win this $20 Million than give me a sign so that I can buy the lottery ticket. So far, no sign, no voice, no special cloud formation. No win.

We are set to spend $8 million dollars on our building project, take out a large loan and are slogging through a capital campaign and truth be told we haven't had the lottery-sized donations we were hoping for. I remind our development director and myself, "What is little carries God." I remind him that it was the "little people" of the Netherlands who went door to door with tin cans collecting pennies, that built the Free University. The way of the kingdom is not the Donald Trump way. It's think small and as Bruce Cockburn reminds me, "kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight."

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