Monday, November 19, 2007

What is Little Carries God

I was speaking with colleague Matt B wondering about some way to have an exchange of ideas between Christian high school principals. Being a techno immigrant, my mind did not jump to the idea of having a blog. His did.

It seems to me that it would be helpful for all of us to have a forum for ideas, challenges, inspirations, questions, frustrations, brainstorms, and blinding-light insights, to encourage us all to be the kind of leaders that God calls us to in the world of Christian high schooling. Our schools by and large look and behave the way they did 100 years ago. We and our students are living in a very different world. Blogging here will be about finding more faithful ways of being Christian high schools.

This in not meant to be inclusive in anyway. Anyone is welcome to submit comments. If you would like to post something more than a comment, let me know. This is meant to be provocative in the best sense of that word. A small online beginning to dialogue. On the wall above my desk these important words that no one seems to be able to assign, "What is little carries God." Let's begin


Mike Todd said...

I've been called in to see the principal... does that qualify me to comment here?!

Great to see you online, Dennis. I'm always amazed when I visit FVCH, and I think you have a lot to share with your colleagues.

beim said...

I am posting this on behalf of my former boss, Peter Van Huizen, a wonderful man who is trying to figure out how to sign up for blogger so he can leave comments on his own.

What is little carries God”

The quote puzzles me. Everything that my mind plays back to me, suggests this is no “nugget” or line from a “Haiku.” If the words don’t work, does the photo? All it reminds me of is the stale, over-used poem, “Footprints.” I'm not going anywhere.

It is a day later. The quote won’t let go. Alright! Let’s consider the concept that in the insignificant, we may find God’s imprint. DNA, so small, is so majestic in its profession of a creator and sustainer. This fragment of English just might encapsulate a nugget!

Two days later. School leader unearths a nugget a quarter century old engraved with the words “small is beautiful.” We may want to begin right there as school leaders. Jesus worked with a team of twelve. What if we designed our high schools around 12 students and one teacher and sent them on the road for six weeks, and six weeks in service, six weeks in literature, six weeks in ….. You get the idea. What is little carries ….